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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2008  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 34     Entry time: Sun Jun 1 23:36:21 2008
Author: Christian Irmler 
Project: SiLC 
Subject: HowTo analyse data 
Run Number:  
The analysis consists of two stages:
  • The first is zero supression an cluster finding done with "apvdaq_analysis_fadc" (Labwindows/CVI application)
  • The second stage is hit time reconstruction done with ROOT. (hitfit)
Both are installed on EUDETMAC.

  • start apvdaq_analysis_fadc within the virtal Windows XP machine (parallels).
  • select a runfile, e.g. run0001.dat
  • select a propper calibration file, default is "cal002.out"
  • select pedestal correction file, default is "pedcorr001.ped"
  • enable "generate hit file and save results"
  • click "Start"

  • The result of the analyis is a file containing all hits above threshold, the filename is "xxxxxxx_cluster.hit", where xxxxxxx is the run name
  • The data structure of the file is described at http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS08/04
  • The file is located in the same folder as the raw data file (= data)

  • Once apvdaq_analysis_fadc is finished, start a console window and change into the directory /Volumes/Data/eudet/APVDAQ
  • execute ./hitfitrun nnnn, where nnnn is the run number

  • results: file with fitted hits (data structure see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS08/04) as well as several plots.
  • file name: xxxxxxx_cluster.hit.fit, the file is located in the subdirectory output.
Attachment 1: analysis_howto.jpg  1.222 MB  Uploaded Mon Jun 2 01:20:31 2008  | Show | Show all
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