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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 26 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Wafer HV Fluence Resistivity Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Datadown t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Text Attachments
  13   Tue Jul 4 14:00:05 2023 tb-crewinitial tests RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronCrap   increased thr to 1.3V
activity is "enabling" noise 
  33   Wed Jul 5 09:15:19 2023 Bernhard PilslChnged Settings RD50-MPW3           Now enabled piggy again   
  34   Wed Jul 5 09:41:53 2023 Bernhard Pilslchanged settings             Just enabled a few pixels in piggy and
base to reduce data
  58   Wed Jul 5 16:21:36 2023 Bernhard Pilslbugfindingdeactivated injection again                
  77   Wed Jul 5 18:22:27 2023 Bernhard Pilsldrastic strategy change             Running with Sync-Mode 0 now => Trying
timestamps again
  140   Thu Jul 6 13:20:39 2023 Bernhard Pilslchanged back to AIDA with trigger             FW and eudaq config   
  256   Sat Jul 8 18:32:37 2023 Bernhard Pilslt0 found             t0 seems to be in the data stream since
~ run 1010
  350   Wed Jul 12 13:30:29 2023 Bernhard PilslFW update             Pure Base and Piggy frames get pushed into
UDP packages
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b