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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 23 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Wafer HV Fluence Resistivity Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_mindown Text Attachments
  42   Wed Jul 5 12:44:16 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   reduced thr to 1,2V   
  58   Wed Jul 5 16:21:36 2023 Bernhard Pilslbugfindingdeactivated injection again                
  59   Wed Jul 5 16:24:17 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   no longer injections   
  65   Wed Jul 5 17:01:29 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   test   
  66   Wed Jul 5 17:01:49 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   activated rows 30 -> 64   
  77   Wed Jul 5 18:22:27 2023 Bernhard Pilsldrastic strategy change             Running with Sync-Mode 0 now => Trying
timestamps again
  132   Thu Jul 6 11:43:14 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   changed to BTTB FW and TLU mode AIDA without
  140   Thu Jul 6 13:20:39 2023 Bernhard Pilslchanged back to AIDA with trigger             FW and eudaq config   
  145   Fri Jul 7 17:30:37 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   testing new FW from Sam for TLU counter in
no overflow counter anymore
  153   Fri Jul 7 18:14:06 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   SW change to just split on SOF of base
(hopefully worked)
  170   Fri Jul 7 22:01:03 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   deactivated piggy again   
  194   Sat Jul 8 00:23:16 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   new firmware with tlu clk reset   
  196   Sat Jul 8 00:33:14 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   restarted run with tlu clk reset    
  256   Sat Jul 8 18:32:37 2023 Bernhard Pilslt0 found             t0 seems to be in the data stream since
~ run 1010
  266   Mon Jul 10 09:21:28 2023 tb-crewhunting correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   new FW, hopefully fixing Frame-TS problem   
  269   Mon Jul 10 09:30:45 2023 tb-crewhunting correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   telescope was off, testing FW again   
  289   Mon Jul 10 19:40:34 2023 tb-crewhunting correlations RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   Saw corrolations between telescope and MPW3   
  296   Tue Jul 11 10:31:45 2023 tb-crewfirst proper tests RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   adapted geometry to match our main user benefits
(in the telecsope)
  300   Tue Jul 11 11:04:02 2023 tb-crewfirst proper tests RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   moved pi stage   
  303   Tue Jul 11 11:25:03 2023 tb-crewfirst proper tests RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown   Adenium_2 not getting correlations since yesterday

Somehow it shows anti-correlations in X and
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b