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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 20 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Wafer HV Fluence Resistivity Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Typedown Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Text Attachments
  389   Thu Jul 13 18:26:34 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood   disconnected piggy   
  390   Thu Jul 13 21:02:45 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1250RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 18:18:0713.07.2023 20:58:08160automatic log for run 1250
  391   Thu Jul 13 22:03:55 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1251RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 20:58:1613.07.2023 21:59:1761automatic log for run 1251
  392   Fri Jul 14 09:06:48 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1252RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 00:01:1914.07.2023 09:02:09540automatic log for run 1252
  393   Fri Jul 14 09:45:00 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1253RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 09:20:0214.07.2023 09:40:2020automatic log for run 1253
  394   Fri Jul 14 09:47:03 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronGood   Petra is most likely causing our efficiency
drops in time, testing now if timeshift is
rate dependent (see energy)
  395   Fri Jul 14 10:07:12 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1254RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 09:41:1814.07.2023 10:02:3321automatic log for run 1254
  396   Fri Jul 14 10:14:05 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1255RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:03:0014.07.2023 10:09:256automatic log for run 1255
  397   Fri Jul 14 10:21:12 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1256RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.8Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:09:4714.07.2023 10:16:336automatic log for run 1256
  398   Fri Jul 14 10:29:10 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.8Low Flux LowelectronGood   reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows,
trying to go as low with thr as possible
without noise for efficiency
  399   Fri Jul 14 10:32:49 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1257RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:25:4114.07.2023 10:28:102automatic log for run 1257
reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows,
  400   Fri Jul 14 10:37:04 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1258RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:29:4114.07.2023 10:32:242automatic log for run 1258
reduced thr to 1.12
  401   Fri Jul 14 10:46:29 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1261RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:40:1114.07.2023 10:41:501automatic log for run 1261
  402   Fri Jul 14 10:48:12 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1262RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:43:1514.07.2023 10:43:330automatic log for run 1262
  403   Fri Jul 14 10:48:46 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood   thr 1.08V is noise   
  404   Fri Jul 14 10:50:32 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1263RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:45:3114.07.2023 10:45:520automatic log for run 1263
  405   Fri Jul 14 10:55:25 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1264RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:49:3814.07.2023 10:50:451automatic log for run 1264
thr 1.1 seems to be not in noise
  406   Fri Jul 14 11:04:16 2023 tb-crewthreshold optimization1265RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:52:3414.07.2023 10:59:377automatic log for run 1265
thr 1.1V seems to be good
  407   Fri Jul 14 11:09:27 2023 tb-crewthreshold optimization1266RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 11:03:2114.07.2023 11:04:481automatic log for run 1266
masked 15 more rows, thr 1.05V
  408   Fri Jul 14 11:20:46 2023 tb-crewthreshold optimization1267RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 11:12:1214.07.2023 11:16:063automatic log for run 1267
 thr 1.08V
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b