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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 1 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu Jul 13 14:44:00 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1245, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 13:03:59, 13.07.2023 14:39:23, 95 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1245
Entry  Wed Jul 5 12:02:14 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 641, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 05.07.2023 11:48:16, 05.07.2023 11:58:04, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 641
running with base & piggy
Entry  Wed Jul 5 21:25:20 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 690, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 05.07.2023 21:11:23, 05.07.2023 21:21:09, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 690
Entry  Wed Jul 5 21:38:50 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 691, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 05.07.2023 21:24:50, 05.07.2023 21:34:39, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 691
Entry  Wed Jul 5 21:50:44 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 692, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 05.07.2023 21:36:35, 05.07.2023 21:46:33, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 692
Entry  Thu Jul 6 07:57:20 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 730, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 06.07.2023 07:43:49, 06.07.2023 07:53:08, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 730
Entry  Tue Jul 11 18:01:03 2023, tb-crew, first proper tests, 1170, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 21, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 17:47:11, 11.07.2023 17:56:33, 9 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1170
Decrease HV
Entry  Thu Jul 13 16:16:14 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1247, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 14:46:26, 13.07.2023 16:11:37, 85 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1247
Entry  Sun Jul 16 14:18:47 2023, tb-crew, data taking, 1346, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 90, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 16.07.2023 12:53:30, 16.07.2023 14:14:01, 80 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1346
cooling setup no longer active, no freeze mode, half matrix, th = 1.2V
Entry  Tue Jul 4 15:03:20 2023, tb-crew, initial tests, 601, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 04.07.2023 14:51:05, 04.07.2023 14:59:13, 8 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 601
Entry  Tue Jul 4 17:18:14 2023, tb-crew, initial tests, 614, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 04.07.2023 17:05:10, 04.07.2023 17:14:07, 8 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 614
Entry  Mon Jul 10 19:26:20 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1148, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 19:13:34, 10.07.2023 19:21:52, 8 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1148
testing new FW
Entry  Sat Jul 15 20:13:25 2023, tb-crew, cooled unirradiated , 1328, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 40, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 15.07.2023 20:00:04, 15.07.2023 20:08:41, 8 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1328
bias scan in 10v steps
Entry  Wed Jul 12 13:28:21 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1214, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 12.07.2023 12:06:55, 12.07.2023 13:23:48, 76 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1214
Entry  Wed Jul 5 22:26:34 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 696, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 05.07.2023 22:15:14, 05.07.2023 22:22:23, 7 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 696
Entry  Thu Jul 6 07:33:56 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 727, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 06.07.2023 07:22:41, 06.07.2023 07:29:44, 7 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 727
Entry  Thu Jul 6 11:58:20 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 757, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 06.07.2023 11:46:48, 06.07.2023 11:54:06, 7 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 757
changed to BTTB FW and TLU mode AIDA without trigger 
Entry  Thu Jul 13 01:30:33 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1225, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 01:18:28, 13.07.2023 01:25:58, 7 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1225
Entry  Fri Jul 14 11:04:16 2023, tb-crew, threshold optimization, 1265, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:52:34, 14.07.2023 10:59:37, 7 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1265
thr 1.1V seems to be good
Entry  Thu Jul 13 17:34:27 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1248, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 13.07.2023 16:23:51, 13.07.2023 17:29:50, 65 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1248
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b