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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 19 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Wafer HV Fluence Resistivity Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Datadown t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Text Attachments
  380   Thu Jul 13 13:02:36 2023 tb-crewfw testing1244RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown13.07.2023 12:43:5513.07.2023 12:58:0014automatic log for run 1244
  381   Thu Jul 13 14:44:00 2023 tb-crewfw testing1245RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown13.07.2023 13:03:5913.07.2023 14:39:2395automatic log for run 1245
  382   Thu Jul 13 14:49:48 2023 tb-crewfw testing RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown   masked row 20 -> 30 cause we tripped into
noise over lunch run
  383   Thu Jul 13 14:50:55 2023 tb-crewfw testing1246RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown13.07.2023 14:40:5813.07.2023 14:46:185automatic log for run 1246
  384   Thu Jul 13 16:16:14 2023 tb-crewfw testing1247RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown13.07.2023 14:46:2613.07.2023 16:11:3785automatic log for run 1247
  385   Thu Jul 13 16:19:11 2023 tb-crewfw testing RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronUnknown   ran into noise again, about to increase thr   
  386   Thu Jul 13 17:34:27 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1248RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 16:23:5113.07.2023 17:29:5065automatic log for run 1248
  387   Thu Jul 13 17:35:31 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood   moving telescopes back closer together as
"gbl" tracking seems to have a problem with
the new geometry (or we are underestimating
  388   Thu Jul 13 18:12:26 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1249RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 17:51:4513.07.2023 18:07:4916automatic log for run 1249
Mit TLU-timewindow [-115us, +115us] Efficiency
von ~52%
  389   Thu Jul 13 18:26:34 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood   disconnected piggy   
  390   Thu Jul 13 21:02:45 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1250RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 18:18:0713.07.2023 20:58:08160automatic log for run 1250
  391   Thu Jul 13 22:03:55 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1251RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood13.07.2023 20:58:1613.07.2023 21:59:1761automatic log for run 1251
  392   Fri Jul 14 09:06:48 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1252RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 00:01:1914.07.2023 09:02:09540automatic log for run 1252
  393   Fri Jul 14 09:45:00 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1253RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 09:20:0214.07.2023 09:40:2020automatic log for run 1253
  394   Fri Jul 14 09:47:03 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronGood   Petra is most likely causing our efficiency
drops in time, testing now if timeshift is
rate dependent (see energy)
  395   Fri Jul 14 10:07:12 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1254RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.6Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 09:41:1814.07.2023 10:02:3321automatic log for run 1254
  396   Fri Jul 14 10:14:05 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1255RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K5.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:03:0014.07.2023 10:09:256automatic log for run 1255
  397   Fri Jul 14 10:21:12 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1256RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.8Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:09:4714.07.2023 10:16:336automatic log for run 1256
  398   Fri Jul 14 10:29:10 2023 tb-crewproper data taking RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.8Low Flux LowelectronGood   reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows,
trying to go as low with thr as possible
without noise for efficiency
  399   Fri Jul 14 10:32:49 2023 tb-crewproper data taking1257RD50-MPW3unknown91unirradiated1.9K4.2Low Flux LowelectronGood14.07.2023 10:25:4114.07.2023 10:28:102automatic log for run 1257
reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows,
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b