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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 19 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu Jul 13 13:02:36 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1244, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 12:43:55, 13.07.2023 12:58:00, 14 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1244
Entry  Thu Jul 13 14:44:00 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1245, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 13:03:59, 13.07.2023 14:39:23, 95 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1245
Entry  Thu Jul 13 14:49:48 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, , ,  
masked row 20 -> 30 cause we tripped into noise over lunch run
Entry  Thu Jul 13 14:50:55 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1246, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 14:40:58, 13.07.2023 14:46:18, 5 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1246
Entry  Thu Jul 13 16:16:14 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1247, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 14:46:26, 13.07.2023 16:11:37, 85 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1247
Entry  Thu Jul 13 16:19:11 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, , ,  
ran into noise again, about to increase thr
Entry  Thu Jul 13 17:34:27 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1248, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 13.07.2023 16:23:51, 13.07.2023 17:29:50, 65 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1248
Entry  Thu Jul 13 17:35:31 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, , ,  
moving telescopes back closer together as "gbl" tracking seems to have a problem with the new geometry (or we are underestimating material budget of our
Entry  Thu Jul 13 18:12:26 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1249, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 13.07.2023 17:51:45, 13.07.2023 18:07:49, 16 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1249
Mit TLU-timewindow [-115us, +115us] Efficiency von ~52%
Entry  Thu Jul 13 18:26:34 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, , ,  
disconnected piggy
Entry  Thu Jul 13 21:02:45 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1250, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 13.07.2023 18:18:07, 13.07.2023 20:58:08, 160 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1250
Entry  Thu Jul 13 22:03:55 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1251, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 13.07.2023 20:58:16, 13.07.2023 21:59:17, 61 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1251
Entry  Fri Jul 14 09:06:48 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1252, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 00:01:19, 14.07.2023 09:02:09, 540 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1252
Entry  Fri Jul 14 09:45:00 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1253, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 09:20:02, 14.07.2023 09:40:20, 20 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1253
Entry  Fri Jul 14 09:47:03 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, , ,  
Petra is most likely causing our efficiency drops in time, testing now if timeshift is rate dependent (see energy)
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:07:12 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1254, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 09:41:18, 14.07.2023 10:02:33, 21 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1254
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:14:05 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1255, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:03:00, 14.07.2023 10:09:25, 6 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1255
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:21:12 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1256, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.8, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:09:47, 14.07.2023 10:16:33, 6 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1256
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:29:10 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, , RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.8, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, , ,  
reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows, trying to go as low with thr as possible without noise for efficiency
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:32:49 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1257, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:25:41, 14.07.2023 10:28:10, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1257
reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows, trying to go as low with thr as possible without noise for efficiency
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b