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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 18 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Jul 8 00:54:38 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 955, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 00:48:52, 08.07.2023 00:50:20, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 955
restarted run with tlu clk reset
Entry  Sat Jul 8 10:04:40 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 977, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 09:59:18, 08.07.2023 10:00:20, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 977
Entry  Sat Jul 8 12:56:47 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 1010, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 12:50:27, 08.07.2023 12:52:27, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1010
new fw, debugging T0 reset
Entry  Sat Jul 8 22:02:40 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1045, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 21:57:01, 08.07.2023 21:58:19, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1045
Entry  Sat Jul 8 22:26:47 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1051, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 22:20:37, 08.07.2023 22:22:26, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1051
Entry  Sat Jul 8 22:54:03 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1053, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 22:48:18, 08.07.2023 22:49:42, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1053
Entry  Sat Jul 8 22:56:39 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1054, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 08.07.2023 22:50:40, 08.07.2023 22:52:18, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1054
Entry  Mon Jul 10 09:29:29 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1116, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 09:23:24, 10.07.2023 09:25:03, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1116
Entry  Mon Jul 10 09:31:26 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1117, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 09:25:26, 10.07.2023 09:27:00, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1117
testing FW
Entry  Mon Jul 10 11:39:34 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1127, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 11:34:01, 10.07.2023 11:35:07, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1127
Entry  Mon Jul 10 15:03:48 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1134, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 14:58:18, 10.07.2023 14:59:21, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1134
new fw test with noise
Entry  Tue Jul 11 22:40:21 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1191, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 22:33:52, 11.07.2023 22:35:50, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1191
timeshift investigations
Entry  Wed Jul 12 12:06:32 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1213, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 12.07.2023 12:00:18, 12.07.2023 12:01:59, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1213
Entry  Thu Jul 13 02:07:25 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1229, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 02:01:39, 13.07.2023 02:02:50, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1229
Entry  Thu Jul 13 10:25:47 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1233, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 10:19:35, 13.07.2023 10:21:11, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1233
Entry  Thu Jul 13 12:10:28 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1242, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 12:04:04, 13.07.2023 12:05:52, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1242
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:46:29 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1261, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:40:11, 14.07.2023 10:41:50, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1261
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:55:25 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1264, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:49:38, 14.07.2023 10:50:45, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1264
thr 1.1 seems to be not in noise
Entry  Fri Jul 14 11:09:27 2023, tb-crew, threshold optimization, 1266, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 11:03:21, 14.07.2023 11:04:48, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1266
masked 15 more rows, thr 1.05V
1 noisy pixel causing troubles
Entry  Fri Jul 14 17:55:30 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1283, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 17:49:37, 14.07.2023 17:50:49, 1 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1283
thr 1.15V, -0.6 deg C -> lil bit of noise
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b