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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 15 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Wafer HV Fluence Resistivity Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min
  228   Sat Jul 8 11:17:39 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations996RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 11:07:5808.07.2023 11:13:205
automatic log for run 996
  227   Sat Jul 8 11:11:37 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations995RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 11:01:5808.07.2023 11:07:185
automatic log for run 995
  226   Sat Jul 8 11:05:38 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations994RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 10:55:5808.07.2023 11:01:195
automatic log for run 994
  225   Sat Jul 8 10:53:38 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations992RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 10:43:0108.07.2023 10:49:186
automatic log for run 992
  224   Sat Jul 8 10:07:21 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations979RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 10:02:3808.07.2023 10:03:010
automatic log for run 979
  223   Sat Jul 8 10:05:58 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations978RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 10:01:1308.07.2023 10:01:390
automatic log for run 978
  222   Sat Jul 8 10:04:40 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations977RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 09:59:1808.07.2023 10:00:201
automatic log for run 977
  221   Sat Jul 8 09:41:53 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations976RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 09:32:0008.07.2023 09:37:335
automatic log for run 976
  220   Sat Jul 8 08:45:15 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations975RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 08:40:0008.07.2023 08:40:550
automatic log for run 975
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  219   Sat Jul 8 05:22:49 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations974RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 05:03:0708.07.2023 05:18:3115
automatic log for run 974
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  218   Sat Jul 8 05:06:45 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations973RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 04:47:0408.07.2023 05:02:2715
automatic log for run 973
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  217   Sat Jul 8 04:50:41 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations972RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 04:31:0008.07.2023 04:46:2315
automatic log for run 972
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  216   Sat Jul 8 04:34:37 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations971RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 04:14:5708.07.2023 04:30:1915
automatic log for run 971
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  215   Sat Jul 8 04:18:35 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations970RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 03:58:5408.07.2023 04:14:1715
automatic log for run 970
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  214   Sat Jul 8 04:02:32 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations969RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 03:42:5208.07.2023 03:58:1415
automatic log for run 969
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  213   Sat Jul 8 03:46:30 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations968RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 03:26:4908.07.2023 03:42:1215
automatic log for run 968
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  212   Sat Jul 8 03:30:26 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations967RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 03:10:4508.07.2023 03:26:0815
automatic log for run 967
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  211   Sat Jul 8 03:14:23 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations966RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 02:54:4208.07.2023 03:10:0515
automatic log for run 966
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  210   Sat Jul 8 02:57:26 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations965RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 02:37:4608.07.2023 02:53:0815
automatic log for run 965
restarted run with tlu clk reset
  209   Sat Jul 8 02:41:23 2023 tb-crewsearching correlations964RD50-MPW3unknown unirradiated1.9K4.2 electronUnknown08.07.2023 02:21:4208.07.2023 02:37:0515
automatic log for run 964
restarted run with tlu clk reset
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b