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  Testbeam at DESY in 2023, Page 13 of 26  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Jul 11 18:29:54 2023, tb-crew, first proper tests, 1173, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 18:23:17, 11.07.2023 18:25:24, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1173
Entry  Tue Jul 11 18:35:24 2023, tb-crew, first proper tests, 1174, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 18:27:54, 11.07.2023 18:30:53, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1174
Entry  Tue Jul 11 18:38:28 2023, tb-crew, first proper tests, 1175, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 18:31:10, 11.07.2023 18:33:58, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1175
scanning position (alrdy since a few runs)
Entry  Tue Jul 11 18:41:34 2023, tb-crew, first proper tests, 1176, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 18:34:04, 11.07.2023 18:37:03, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1176
scanning position (alrdy since a few runs)
Entry  Tue Jul 11 22:49:10 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1192, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 22:41:48, 11.07.2023 22:44:39, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1192
timeshift investigations
Entry  Tue Jul 11 22:58:01 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1193, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 11.07.2023 22:50:31, 11.07.2023 22:53:30, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1193
timeshift investigations
Entry  Wed Jul 12 15:18:21 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1217, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 12.07.2023 15:11:38, 12.07.2023 15:13:47, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1217
Entry  Thu Jul 13 00:42:14 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1220, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 00:34:46, 13.07.2023 00:37:39, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1220
Entry  Thu Jul 13 11:05:25 2023, tb-crew, fw testing, 1236, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 5.6, Low Flux Low, electron, Unknown, 13.07.2023 10:58:22, 13.07.2023 11:00:49, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1236
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:32:49 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1257, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:25:41, 14.07.2023 10:28:10, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1257
reduced thr to 1.15 and deactivated rows, trying to go as low with thr as possible without noise for efficiency
Entry  Fri Jul 14 10:37:04 2023, tb-crew, proper data taking, 1258, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 10:29:41, 14.07.2023 10:32:24, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1258
reduced thr to 1.12
Entry  Fri Jul 14 15:52:51 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1275, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 15:45:39, 14.07.2023 15:48:11, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1275
finding threshold: currently
Entry  Fri Jul 14 15:57:53 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1277, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 15:50:21, 14.07.2023 15:53:13, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1277
thr 1.25V
Entry  Fri Jul 14 16:25:20 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1279, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 16:18:31, 14.07.2023 16:20:39, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1279
thr 1.225V,  -8.6 deg C
Entry  Sat Jul 15 15:51:53 2023, tb-crew, cooled unirradiated , 1310, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 15.07.2023 15:44:36, 15.07.2023 15:47:10, 2 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1310
switched to no freeze mode
Entry  Mon Jul 10 22:45:02 2023, tb-crew, hunting correlations, 1149, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 10.07.2023 19:22:18, 10.07.2023 22:40:34, 198 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1149
Entry  Fri Jul 14 16:45:29 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1280, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 16:21:47, 14.07.2023 16:40:49, 19 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1280
thr 1.225V,  -8.6 deg C
Entry  Fri Jul 14 21:00:23 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1284, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 17:53:59, 14.07.2023 20:55:42, 181 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1284
thr 1.15V,  -0.6 deg C -> lil bit of noise
Entry  Tue Jul 4 18:45:25 2023, tb-crew, searching correlations, 620, RD50-MPW3, unknown, , unirradiated, 1.9K, 4.2, , electron, Unknown, 04.07.2023 18:22:31, 04.07.2023 18:41:17, 18 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 620
Entry  Fri Jul 14 16:22:32 2023, tb-crew, irradiated, 1278, RD50-MPW3, unknown, 91, 1e14, 1.9K, 4.2, Low Flux Low, electron, Good, 14.07.2023 15:59:15, 14.07.2023 16:17:52, 18 peary_config.cfgmatrix_config_base.txtmatrix_config_piggy.txteudaq_config.cfg
automatic log for run 1278
thr 1.25V
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b