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  Testbeam at DESY in 2024, Page 28 of 28  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUTdown Fluence Beam Energy Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Text Attachments
  372   Fri Apr 26 23:21:36 2024 tb-crewHV scan (hi range) W3 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown   DUT sems to have "problems"   
  19   Mon Apr 22 17:34:19 2024 RD50 Generic Userinitial corry conf geometry         wrng z achses -> use later geo  detectors.geo 
  213   Wed Apr 24 17:01:47 2024 RD50 Generic User         geo for rotated sample, 20 degrees still
need to be added to the DUT (x -> 200)

full aligned
  219   Wed Apr 24 17:41:31 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial corry  geo for  backside
biased hephy

full aligned geo from run 202 with
  220   Wed Apr 24 17:45:49 2024 RD50 Generic User         Corrected geo file for first DUT (hephy/
topside W3) with fixed z

full aligned from run 57 with mask
  299   Thu Apr 25 22:46:14 2024 RD50 Generic UserNote Bias        Wxx corresponds to HEPHY DUTs, biased by
default to -190V
  302   Thu Apr 25 23:01:37 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial geo backside nikhef

alignment run 281

  315   Fri Apr 26 12:15:17 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial geo nikhef backside 20 degrees  detectors_rotated_nikhef_rotated_20.geo 
  324   Fri Apr 26 14:12:15 2024 RD50 Generic User         

initial geo nikhef backside
10 degrees

  335   Fri Apr 26 15:49:12 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial geo nikhef backside
HV Scan
  364   Fri Apr 26 23:05:47 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial geo frontside liverpool  detectors_frontside_liverpool.geo 
  508   Sun Apr 28 09:39:32 2024 RD50 Generic User         iv scan log file  keithley_log_iv_w8_liv.txt 
  509   Sun Apr 28 09:44:56 2024 RD50 Generic User         initial geo nikhef backside frontside bias  detectors_backside_nikhef_topside_bias.geo 
  525   Sun Apr 28 12:03:35 2024 RD50 Generic User         IV log  keithley_log_nikhef_I.txt 
  540   Sun Apr 28 14:37:17 2024 RD50 Generic User         IV log  keithley_log_nikhef_II.txt 
  556   Sun Apr 28 17:01:09 2024 RD50 Generic User         Summary scans and runs  Run_log.ods 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b