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  Testbeam at DESY in 2024, Page 22 of 28  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUTdown Fluence Beam Energy Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min
  498   Sun Apr 28 07:55:44 2024 tb-crewHV scans457W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 07:46:0228.04.2024 07:56:0510
automatic log for run 457
-500V -> 0V
  499   Sun Apr 28 08:06:24 2024 tb-crewHV scans458W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 07:56:4228.04.2024 08:06:4510
automatic log for run 458
-500V -> 0V
  500   Sun Apr 28 08:17:05 2024 tb-crewHV scans459W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 08:07:2228.04.2024 08:17:2610
automatic log for run 459
-500V -> 0V
  501   Sun Apr 28 08:27:43 2024 tb-crewHV scans460W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 08:18:0028.04.2024 08:28:0410
automatic log for run 460
-500V -> 0V
  502   Sun Apr 28 08:38:22 2024 tb-crewHV scans461W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 08:28:3928.04.2024 08:38:4310
automatic log for run 461
-500V -> 0V
  503   Sun Apr 28 08:49:03 2024 tb-crewHV scans462W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 08:39:2028.04.2024 08:49:2410
automatic log for run 462
-500V -> 0V
  504   Sun Apr 28 08:59:42 2024 tb-crewHV scans463W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 08:49:5928.04.2024 09:00:0310
automatic log for run 463
-500V -> 0V
  505   Sun Apr 28 09:10:20 2024 tb-crewHV scans464W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 09:00:3828.04.2024 09:10:4110
automatic log for run 464
-500V -> 0V
  506   Sun Apr 28 09:21:02 2024 tb-crewHV scans465W8 LIVunirradiated4.2Unknown28.04.2024 09:11:1928.04.2024 09:21:2310
automatic log for run 465
-500V -> 0V
  300   Thu Apr 25 22:50:02 2024 RD50 Generic Userinit config W3 NIKHEF      

Bias to compare to others -190V

  303   Fri Apr 26 09:08:28 2024 tb-crewnot trimmed281W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown25.04.2024 23:04:1626.04.2024 09:08:47604
automatic log for run 281
initial alignment run
  304   Fri Apr 26 09:24:52 2024 tb-crewnot trimmed282W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 09:24:5926.04.2024 09:25:110
automatic log for run 282
calib happening
  305   Fri Apr 26 09:40:20 2024 tb-crewnot trimmed283W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 09:40:2826.04.2024 09:40:390
automatic log for run 283
calib happening
  306   Fri Apr 26 09:43:51 2024 tb-crewnot trimmed284W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 09:44:0726.04.2024 09:44:100
automatic log for run 284
calib happening
  307   Fri Apr 26 09:57:32 2024 tb-crewnot trimmed285W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 09:57:4926.04.2024 09:57:510
automatic log for run 285
calib happening
  308   Fri Apr 26 10:52:03 2024 tb-crewbst thr runs W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown   
calibrated TDACs, HV= -190V
  309   Fri Apr 26 11:08:34 2024 tb-crewbst thr runs286W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 10:55:1926.04.2024 11:08:5313
  310   Fri Apr 26 11:16:27 2024 tb-crewbst thr runs287W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 11:10:3326.04.2024 11:16:466
automatic log for run 287
calibrated TDACs, HV= -190V (efficiency seems to be a bit lower than HEPHY backside)
  311   Fri Apr 26 11:27:37 2024 tb-crewbst thr runs288W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 11:22:1826.04.2024 11:27:565
automatic log for run 288
calibrated TDACs, HV= -190V (efficiency seems to be a bit lower than HEPHY backside)
  312   Fri Apr 26 11:32:17 2024 tb-crewbst thr runs289W3 NIKHEFunirradiated4.2Unknown26.04.2024 11:29:5526.04.2024 11:32:362
automatic log for run 289
calibrated TDACs, HV= -190V (efficiency seems to be a bit lower than HEPHY backside)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b