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  Testbeam at DESY in 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 220     Entry time: Wed Apr 24 17:45:49 2024
Author: RD50 Generic User 
Run Number:  
Beam Energy:  

Corrected geo file for first DUT (hephy/ topside W3) with fixed z

full aligned from run 57 with mask

Attachment 1: full_aligned_run57_test.geo  2 kB  Uploaded Wed Apr 24 18:47:58 2024  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: full_aligned_frontside_hephy_run57.geo  2 kB  Uploaded Thu Apr 25 11:43:36 2024  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = 0.169309deg,0.367724deg,0.591178deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = 783.447um,54.353um,63mm
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = 0.00779223deg,-0.620972deg,-0.216463deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = -311.707um,409.751um,89mm
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = 0deg,0deg,0deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = 0um,0um,115mm
role = "reference"
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

mask_file = mask_hephy_topside.txt
coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.0032
number_of_pixels = 64, 64
orientation = 179.903deg,5.39188deg,-90.1682deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 62um,62um
position = -3.2062mm,839.434um,152mm
role = "dut"
spatial_resolution = 17.898um,17.898um
time_resolution = 50ns
type = "rd50_mpwx"

coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = -0.458309deg,-1.9209deg,-0.166043deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = -364.294um,-124.036um,223mm
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = -0.557431deg,-1.70971deg,-0.0473836deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = 241.228um,-48.789um,250mm
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

coordinates = "cartesian"
material_budget = 0.00075
number_of_pixels = 1024, 512
orientation = 0.716025deg,1.82063deg,-0.0218297deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 29.24um,26.88um
position = 253.792um,-213.967um,276mm
spatial_resolution = 8.441um,7.76um
time_resolution = 10us
type = "adenium"

coordinates = "cartesian"
number_of_pixels = 0, 0
orientation = 0.138197deg,-0deg,0deg
orientation_mode = "xyz"
pixel_pitch = 0um,0um
position = -48.379um,0um,50000mm
spatial_resolution = 0um,0um
time_resolution = 1ns
type = "tlu"

Attachment 3: mask_hephy_topside.txt  112 Bytes  Uploaded Thu Apr 25 11:43:36 2024  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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