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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2024, Page 5 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Data t-Start t-Stopdown Duration_min Frontend
  93   Sun Jun 9 01:22:48 2024 Felix Ulrich-PurTOF CAL HADES LGADs WET Messung Knochen22TOF-Cal GSI145.4 MeVLow Flux HighProtonGood00:1400:23  

1 cm dense bone (in isocentre)
2.8 Mhz on Ramon (after 5 Layers of Silicon and close to second iso centre) and 600 kHz on LGAD

WET measurement

  92   Sun Jun 9 00:12:41 2024 Felix Ulrich-PurTOF CAL HADES LGADs WET Messung Knochen21TOF-Cal GSI194.3 MeVLow Flux HighProtonGood00:0000:14  

1 cm dense bone (in isocentre)
4.5 Mhz on Ramon (after 5 Layers of Silicon and close to second iso centre) and 1.2 MHz on LGAD

WET measurement

  91   Sun Jun 9 00:10:38 2024 Felix Ulrich-PurTOF CAL HADES LGADs WET Messung Wasser20TOF-Cal GSI145.4 MeVLow Flux HighProtonGood23:3100:00  

5 cm plastic water (in isocentre)
2 Mhz on Ramon (after 5 Layers of Silicon and close to second iso centre) and 330 kHz on LGAD

14 min break with beam off (DAQ failed, had to power cycle TRB3s and all DIRICH boards-->out of synch DIRICH)

WET measurement

  1   Sat Mar 30 06:34:39 2024 Bernhard PilslAnd a new testbeam starts :D          
  2   Sat Mar 30 06:53:31 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonUnknown   Normal
about to start

geo and eudaq ini attached
Attachment 1: mpw4.ini
# example init file: Ex0.ini


initid= 20210115
verbose = 1
ConnectionFile= "file:///home/pct/frameworks/trackereudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_connection.xml"
#ConnectionFile= "file:///home/tlu-ma/latesteudaq/eudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_connection.xml" #for TLU MAUS
DeviceName = "aida_tlu.controlhub"
#DeviceName = "aida_tlu.udp"
TLUmod = "1e"
# number of HDMI inputs, leave 4 even if you only use fewer inputs
nDUTs = 4
nTrgIn = 6
# 0= False (Internal Reference OFF), 1= True
intRefOn = 0
VRefInt = 2.5
VRefExt = 1.3
# I2C address of the bus expander on Enclustra FPGA
I2C_COREEXP_Addr = 0x21
# I2C address of the Si5345
I2C_CLK_Addr = 0x68
# I2C address of 1st AD5665R
I2C_DAC1_Addr = 0x13
# I2C address of 2nd AD5665R
I2C_DAC2_Addr = 0x1F
# address of unique Id number EEPROM
I2C_ID_Addr = 0x50
#I2C address of 1st expander PCA9539PW~/
I2C_EXP1_Addr = 0x74
#I2C address of 2st expander PCA9539PW
I2C_EXP2_Addr = 0x75
#I2C address of AD5665R on powermodule
I2C_DACModule_Addr = 0x1CnoiseTrim
# Max value for control voltage on PMTs (usually 1 V)
PMT_vCtrlMax= 1.0
#I2C address of 1st expander PCA9539PW on powermodule
I2C_EXP1Module_Addr = 0x76
#I2C address of 2nd expander PCA9539PW on powermodule
I2C_EXP2Module_Addr = 0x77

##CONFCLOCK 0= skip clock configuration, 1= configure si5345
#CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/pct-eudaq/latesteudaq/trackereudaq/user/caribou/MPW3/csv/20mhz_out2.txt"
#CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/tlu-ma/mpw3/configs/20mhz_out2.txt"
CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/pct/frameworks/trackereudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_clk_config.txt"
#CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "~/latesteudaq/trackereudaq/user/eudet/misc/hw_conf/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_clk_config.txt" # for TLU MAUS

# general
# configuration

# Currently, all LogCollectors have a hardcoded runtime name: log
# the $12D will be converted a data/time string with 12 digits.

elog_installation = "/home/pct/frameworks/elog/elog"
elog_host = "elog.hephy.at"
elog_port = 443
elog_logbook = "testbeam-MA2024"
att_stop_time = "t-Stop"
att_start_time = "t-Start"
att_run_number = "Run Number"
att_run_duration = "Duration_min"
color = ""

#simply paste configuration of your Elog logbook
Comment = Testbeams at MedAustron in 2024
Admin user = bergi, maks, bpilsl
Self register = 3

Attributes = Author, Subject, Run Number, DUT, Beam Energy, Rate Setting, Particle Type, Data, t-Start, t-Stop, Duration_min, Frontend
Options DUT = common, DSSD-Tracker, RD50-MPW4, TJ-Monopix2
Extendable options = DUT, Beam Energy, Rate Setting
Options Data = Unknown, Good, Crap
Options Beam Energy = 800 MeV, 252.7 MeV, 194.3 MeV, 175.3 MeV, 145.4 MeV, 100.4 MeV, 83 MeV, 62.4 MeV
Options Particle Type = Proton, Carbon
Options Rate Setting = Low Flux Very Low, Low Flux Low, Low Flux Medium, Low Flux High
Options Frontend = Normal, Normal Casc, HV, HV Casc
Quick filter = Date, Subject, Run Number, DUT, Beam Energy

Menu commands =  List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Duplicate, Move to, Find, Help
List Menu commands = New, Find, Select, Logout, Config, Help  
Guest List Menu commands = Find, Login, Help  
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help


Attachment 2: detectors.geo
role = auxiliary
type = tlu
number_of_pixels = 0, 0
pixel_pitch = 0um, 0um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 0mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
time_resolution = 0ns

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 0mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 50mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s
#role = reference

#mask_file = mask_maus.txt
role = dut
type = RD50_MPWx
number_of_pixels = 64, 64
pixel_pitch = 62um, 62um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 68mm
orientation = 90deg,0deg,180deg
orientation_mode = "zyx"
time_resolution = 25ns
material_budget = 0.00320305

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 181mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s
role = reference

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 231mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s
  10   Sat Mar 30 07:59:55 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonCrap   Normal
currently no beam
  11   Sat Mar 30 08:05:59 2024 Christian IrmlerRD50-MPW4999         

Tracker calibration run: mpw4-tj-monopix2_00-000999.xml
Generated global xml file for MPW4 shift: mpw4-tj-monopix2_TLU_00-000999.xml 

Previous local runs and xml files (mpw4-tj-monopix2_00-000212.xml) are unusable, because sensor L5.1.1.0 had a loose cotact and thus low gain.
Fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting.

  13   Sat Mar 30 08:34:12 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonGood   Normal
beam should be back, there was something in the nozzle too
  14   Sat Mar 30 08:38:21 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonGood   Normal
beam not back, fake news
  16   Sat Mar 30 08:56:25 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonCrap   Normal
waiting for beam
Performing MTS restart
  18   Sat Mar 30 09:15:13 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonCrap   Normal
moved entire setup a bit in order too better focus beam on MPW4 (hopefully)
  19   Sat Mar 30 09:25:05 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux Very LowProtonCrap   Normal
bea is back Big grin
  23   Sat Mar 30 09:43:29 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
max triggerof tracker set to 100
  25   Sat Mar 30 09:54:37 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
correlations still there after rate change
  27   Sat Mar 30 09:59:40 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux MediumProtonGood   Normal
changed rate
  30   Sat Mar 30 10:23:04 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
changed rate to low again, too much "noise"
also moved table down and a bit to the left
  34   Sat Mar 30 10:28:42 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
tracker FADC down, HV not on earlier, restart happening
  38   Sat Mar 30 11:20:13 2024 bp, ci, hhRD50-MPW4 RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
alignment good now
  43   Sat Mar 30 13:35:09 2024 bp, ci, hhuseful datataking RD50-MPW4800 MeVLow Flux LowProtonGood   Normal
new users arrived
  101   Sun Jun 9 02:18:55 2024 Felix Ulrich-PurTOF CAL HADES LGADs WET Messung Knochen29TOF-Cal GSI194.3 MeVLow Flux HighProtonGood02:18   

5 cm dense bone (in isocentre)
1.8 Mhz on Ramon (after 5 Layers of Silicon and close to second iso centre) and 350 kHz on LGAD

WET measurement

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b