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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 127     Entry time: Sun Aug 25 10:58:26 2024
Author: tb-crew 
Subject: only base 
Run Number: 62 
Beam Energy: 800 MeV 
Rate Setting: Low Flux Very Low 
Particle Type: Proton 
Data: Unknown 
t-Start: 25.08.2024 10:48:27 
t-Stop: 25.08.2024 10:58:53 
Duration_min: 10 
Frontend: Normal 
Phantom thickness:  
automatic log for run 62
vnfb = 10
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg  1 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = cBase
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 10
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0.7
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 0.96
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = cPiggy
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt  69 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt  69 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: mpw4.conf  4 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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