23.04.23 11:43 trigger on third LGAD
19 PMMA slabs
run 33 is missing as accelerator failed
23.04.23 12:03 trigger on third LGAD
17 PMMA slabs
23.04.23 12:35 trigger on third LGAD
2cm Al slab with hole (in front of only half of the sensor)
23.04.23 13:00 trigger on third LGAD
Orientation of tracker, MPW3 and TJMP2
Initial config files for the RD50_MPW3 Peary device
Due to bug in Elog-RC entries here for the shift on 18.02.2023 are bigger (+1) than the one stored in the data file names eg run 9999 ( in name of *.raw files) is listed as 10000 in here
XML für local run: MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_00-000099.xml
XML für TLU runs (global): MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_TLU_00-000099.xml
SW adjustment to MPW3-DC
Not dropping frame if it contains no trigger but data is alrdy buffered in unpacker buffer