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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2023, Page 7 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Events Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Frontend
  86   Thu Apr 27 16:04:40 2023 Felix Ulrich-Pursandwich TOF-iCT calibration034 83Low Flux MediumProton Good    

23.04.23 11:43 trigger on third LGAD

19 PMMA slabs

run 33 is missing as accelerator failed

  87   Thu Apr 27 16:06:01 2023 Felix Ulrich-Pursandwich TOF-iCT calibration035 83Low Flux MediumProton Good    

23.04.23 12:03 trigger on third LGAD

17 PMMA slabs


  88   Thu Apr 27 16:06:30 2023 Felix Ulrich-Pursandwich TOF-iCT radiography036 83Low Flux MediumProton Good    

23.04.23 12:35 trigger on third LGAD

2cm Al slab with hole (in front of only half of the sensor)


  89   Thu Apr 27 16:07:51 2023 Felix Ulrich-Pursandwich TOF-iCT radiography037 100.4Low Flux MediumProton Good    

23.04.23 13:00 trigger on third LGAD

2cm Al slab with hole (in front of only half of the sensor)


  122   Sat May 6 14:16:53 2023 Christian IrmlerSensor orientation           

Orientation of tracker, MPW3 and TJMP2

  1   Sat Feb 18 14:48:36 2023 Bernhard PilslMPW3 Kalibration / Config Files           

Initial config files for the RD50_MPW3 Peary device

  4   Sat Feb 18 22:17:31 2023 Bernhard PilslAttention RUN NUMBER           

Due to bug in Elog-RC entries here for the shift on 18.02.2023 are bigger (+1) than the one stored in the data file names
eg run 9999 ( in name of *.raw files) is listed as 10000 in here

  92   Sat May 6 07:27:05 2023 Bernhard PilslLocal Run Tracker99          

XML für local run: MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_00-000099.xml

XML für TLU runs (global): MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_TLU_00-000099.xml 

  143   Sat May 6 17:47:27 2023 Bernhard PilslSW adjustment RD50-MPW3         

SW adjustment to MPW3-DC

Not dropping frame if it contains no trigger but data is alrdy buffered in unpacker buffer

  3   Sat Feb 18 22:14:32 2023 BP_PSstart_test10000common8005kHzProton0Unknown18.02.2023 22:12:4418.02.2023 22:14:32  
automatic log for run 10000
  5   Sat Feb 18 22:18:39 2023 BP_PSBeam common8005kHzProton Unknown    
Status 22:19, waiting for beam, vakuum Problem in der Quelle
  6   Sat Feb 18 22:26:47 2023 BP_PSBeam common8005kHzProton Unknown    
Status: Beam bekommen um 22:23
  7   Sat Feb 18 22:30:02 2023 BP_PSBeam2common8005kHzProton521924Unknown18.02.2023 22:23:2618.02.2023 22:30:02  
automatic log for run 2
  8   Sat Feb 18 22:32:10 2023 BP_PSBeam3common8005kHzProton67592Unknown18.02.2023 22:31:0318.02.2023 22:32:09  
automatic log for run 3
  9   Sat Feb 18 22:37:45 2023 BP_PSINFO common8005kHzProton Unknown    
z positions:
DSSD1: 0mm
DSSD2: 48mm
MPW3: 35mm
DSSD3: 127mm
DSSD4: 50mm
All positions relativ to previous position!
  10   Sat Feb 18 22:46:28 2023 BP_PSbeam4common8005kHzProton1097321Unknown18.02.2023 22:32:1618.02.2023 22:46:27  
automatic log for run 4
  11   Sat Feb 18 22:59:14 2023 BP_PSbeam5common8005kHzProton5196863Unknown18.02.2023 22:46:3618.02.2023 22:59:14  
automatic log for run 5
  12   Sat Feb 18 23:00:02 2023 BP_PSbeam6common8005kHzProton119056Unknown18.02.2023 22:59:2618.02.2023 23:00:02  
automatic log for run 6
  13   Sat Feb 18 23:31:12 2023 BP_PSbeam7common8005kHzProton16617889Unknown18.02.2023 23:00:0918.02.2023 23:31:12  
automatic log for run 7
  14   Sat Feb 18 23:33:07 2023 BP_PSbeam8common8005kHzProton625617Unknown18.02.2023 23:31:4318.02.2023 23:33:07  
automatic log for run 8
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b