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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2023, Page 11 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat May 6 21:09:10 2023, , , 115, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 1634138, Good, 06.05.2023 21:06:04, 06.05.2023 21:08:17, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 115
Entry  Sat May 6 21:10:23 2023, , , 116, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 145044, Good, 06.05.2023 21:09:10, 06.05.2023 21:09:31, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 116
Entry  Sat May 6 21:13:46 2023, , , 117, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 1670098, Good, 06.05.2023 21:10:32, 06.05.2023 21:12:54, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 117
Entry  Sat May 6 21:17:01 2023, , , 118, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 1379570, Good, 06.05.2023 21:14:09, 06.05.2023 21:16:09, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 118
Entry  Sat May 6 21:30:02 2023, , , 119, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 7663968, Good, 06.05.2023 21:18:32, 06.05.2023 21:29:09, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 119
Alignment run with default settings
Entry  Sat May 6 21:33:17 2023, , , 120, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 1543284, Good, 06.05.2023 21:30:08, 06.05.2023 21:32:25, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 120
Entry  Sat May 6 21:38:19 2023, , , 121, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 2732840, Good, 06.05.2023 21:33:33, 06.05.2023 21:37:27, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 121
Entry  Sat May 6 21:39:32 2023, , , 122, common, 800, 200kHz, Proton, 121791, Crap, 06.05.2023 21:38:22, 06.05.2023 21:38:40, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 122
Entry  Sat May 6 21:46:56 2023, , , 123, common, 800, 5kHz, Proton, 2987729, Unknown, 06.05.2023 21:41:37, 06.05.2023 21:46:04, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 123
Entry  Sat May 6 21:58:14 2023, , , 124, common, 800, 5kHz, Proton, 306082, Good, 06.05.2023 21:50:04, 06.05.2023 21:57:21, , Normal mpw3_mpx2.conf
automatic log for run 124
Alignment run low flux
Entry  Sat Oct 14 22:15:13 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal detectors.geo
about to start

Geometry for Corryvreckan attached
Entry  Sun Oct 15 00:39:39 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
running Corry now, MPW3 looks not good, telescope fine
Entry  Sun Oct 15 00:41:26 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
MPW3 was not in AIDA mode Frown
changed eudaq config
Entry  Sun Oct 15 01:37:16 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
mpw3 in noise
Entry  Sun Oct 15 01:38:12 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
changed thr to 1.25V
Entry  Sun Oct 15 02:44:18 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
Did ignore tracker veto
data nonsense until now
Entry  Sun Oct 15 04:54:08 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
changed to sams estest FW (DESY success FW) for comparison
Entry  Sun Oct 15 05:54:49 2023, tb crew, RD50-MPW3, , RD50-MPW3, 800, Low Flux Low, Proton, , Unknown, , , , Normal 
new shifters arrived
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b