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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2023, Page 11 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Typedown Events Data t-Start t-Stop Duration_min Frontend Text Attachments
  207   Sun Oct 15 03:30:11 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW342RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 03:03:3515.10.2023 03:30:3527Normalautomatic log for run 42
  208   Sun Oct 15 03:44:29 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW343RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 03:30:4715.10.2023 03:44:5414Normalautomatic log for run 43
  209   Sun Oct 15 03:55:01 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW344RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 03:45:0715.10.2023 03:55:2610Normalautomatic log for run 44
  210   Sun Oct 15 04:07:49 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW345RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 03:55:3615.10.2023 04:08:1412Normalautomatic log for run 45
  211   Sun Oct 15 04:18:15 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW346RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 04:08:2315.10.2023 04:18:3910Normalautomatic log for run 46
  212   Sun Oct 15 04:39:11 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW347RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 04:18:4815.10.2023 04:39:3620Normalautomatic log for run 47
  213   Sun Oct 15 04:49:46 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW348RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 04:39:4515.10.2023 04:50:1010Normalautomatic log for run 48
  214   Sun Oct 15 04:54:08 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normalchanged to sams estest FW (DESY success FW)
for comparison
  215   Sun Oct 15 05:05:56 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW349RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 04:55:2215.10.2023 05:06:2010Normalautomatic log for run 49
changed to sams bestest FW (DESY success
  216   Sun Oct 15 05:16:57 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW350RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 05:06:3115.10.2023 05:17:2210Normalautomatic log for run 50
changed to sams bestest FW (DESY success
  217   Sun Oct 15 05:38:43 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW351RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 05:17:3115.10.2023 05:39:0821Normalautomatic log for run 51
changed to sams bestest FW (DESY success
  218   Sun Oct 15 05:54:29 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW352RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown15.10.2023 05:39:1815.10.2023 05:54:5315Normalautomatic log for run 52
changed to sams bestest FW (DESY success
  219   Sun Oct 15 05:54:49 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normalnew shifters arrived   
  1   Sat Feb 18 14:48:36 2023 Bernhard PilslMPW3 Kalibration / Config Files           Initial config files for the RD50_MPW3
Peary device
  4   Sat Feb 18 22:17:31 2023 Bernhard PilslAttention RUN NUMBER           Due to bug in Elog-RC entries here for
the shift on 18.02.2023 are bigger (+1) than
the one stored in the data file names
  92   Sat May 6 07:27:05 2023 Bernhard PilslLocal Run Tracker99          XML für local run: MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_00-000099.xml

XML für TLU runs (global): MPW3_TJMP2_20230506_TLU_00-000099.xml 
  122   Sat May 6 14:16:53 2023 Christian IrmlerSensor orientation           Orientation of tracker, MPW3 and TJMP2  module_orientation_20230506_135508.jpg 
  143   Sat May 6 17:47:27 2023 Bernhard PilslSW adjustment RD50-MPW3         SW adjustment to MPW3-DC

Not dropping frame if it contains
no trigger but data is alrdy buffered in
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b