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  Testbeams at MedAustron in 2023, Page 11 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Events Data t-Startdown t-Stop Duration_min Frontend
  104   Sat May 6 09:31:55 2023 cibpdata-taking RD50-MPW38005kHzProton Unknown   Normal
alignment of MPW3 seems better
Attachment 1: Bild_2023-05-06_094110196.png
  105   Sat May 6 09:41:50 2023 cibpdata-taking RD50-MPW38005kHzProton Unknown   Normal
changed rate to 5kHz
  108   Sat May 6 09:51:57 2023 cibpdata-taking RD50-MPW38005kHzProton Unknown   Normal
changed mpx2 settings by max
  110   Sat May 6 10:08:09 2023 cibpdata-taking RD50-MPW38005kHzProton Unknown   Normal
no MPX2 data atm, problem with datacollector
  112   Sat May 6 10:43:57 2023 cibpdata taking common800200kHzProton Unknown   Normal
adjusted table in height by ~-2mm
  113   Sat May 6 11:04:28 2023 cibpdata taking RD50-MPW3800200kHzProton Unknown   Normal
No beam since 30 min
Operator: "spills get rejected by ..."
  114   Sat May 6 11:13:04 2023 cibpdata taking RD50-MPW3800200kHzProton Unknown   Normal
MPS (whatever) restart necessary
No beam for another ~ 20 -30 min
  117   Sat May 6 13:04:06 2023 cibpdata taking RD50-MPW3800200kHzProton Unknown   Normal
beam is back Smile
  122   Sat May 6 14:16:53 2023 Christian IrmlerSensor orientation           

Orientation of tracker, MPW3 and TJMP2

Attachment 1: module_orientation_20230506_135508.jpg
  143   Sat May 6 17:47:27 2023 Bernhard PilslSW adjustment RD50-MPW3         

SW adjustment to MPW3-DC

Not dropping frame if it contains no trigger but data is alrdy buffered in unpacker buffer

  179   Sat Oct 14 22:15:13 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
about to start

Geometry for Corryvreckan attached
Attachment 1: detectors.geo
role = auxiliary
type = tlu
number_of_pixels = 0, 0
pixel_pitch = 0um, 0um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 0mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
time_resolution = 0ns

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 0mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 60mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s
role = reference

role = dut
type = RD50_MPW3
number_of_pixels = 64, 64
pixel_pitch = 62um, 62um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 161mm
orientation = +90deg,0deg,180deg
orientation_mode = "zyx"
time_resolution = 50ns
is_piggy = 1

role = dut
type = RD50_MPW3
number_of_pixels = 64, 64
pixel_pitch = 62um, 62um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 195mm
orientation = +90deg,0deg,180deg
orientation_mode = "zyx"
time_resolution = 50ns

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 277mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s

type = dssd
number_of_pixels = 512, 512
pixel_pitch = 100um, 50um
position = 0mm, 0mm, 337mm
orientation = 0deg, 0deg, 0deg
spatial_resolution = 29um,14.5um
material_budget = 0.0032021081576535286
time_resolution = 10000s
  190   Sun Oct 15 00:39:39 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
running Corry now, MPW3 looks not good, telescope fine
  192   Sun Oct 15 00:41:26 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
MPW3 was not in AIDA mode Frown
changed eudaq config
  200   Sun Oct 15 01:37:16 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
mpw3 in noise
  201   Sun Oct 15 01:38:12 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
changed thr to 1.25V
  205   Sun Oct 15 02:44:18 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
Did ignore tracker veto
data nonsense until now
  214   Sun Oct 15 04:54:08 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
changed to sams estest FW (DESY success FW) for comparison
  219   Sun Oct 15 05:54:49 2023 tb crewRD50-MPW3 RD50-MPW3800Low Flux LowProton Unknown   Normal
new shifters arrived
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b