MT=1, BSY=50, beam is centered rate few 100kHz and two peaks in beam profile setting IV
MT=1, BSY=50, beam shifted again jumps in rate too high setting IV
MT=1, BSY=50, beam shifted again max 30kHz, low rate setting IV
MT=1, BSY=50, setting IV
MT=1, BSY=50, setting V
spot still centered quite stable ~120kHz steering setting IV
MT=1, BSY=50, setting V steering VII,beam looks centered, but rate and spot looks similar to setting VII, maybe wrong acc setting? --> don't use
Rate,15s spill pause, delay can be set by operator
Rate, up till now looks like the same
Rate, factor 10 too high, role ~30kHz instead of 3kHz, Beta nominal
Rate, Beta nominal, factor 10 too high
Rate, Beta 10% nominal, now 3kHz
Rate, Beta 10% nominal
Rate, now Beta 10%