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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Sun May 10 19:39:34 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Beam Diamond+pCT6 500V, 19, Diamond + DSSD-pCT6, 62.4, none, none, , EFE, , SID2, none, , 101031,  01-000019.root-cogLocations_5.1.1.0-Empirics.png01-000019.root-cogLocations_5.1.1.1-Empirics.png

Dia HV = +/- 250V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal

Entry  Sun May 10 20:26:25 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Beam+Diamond 500V, 20, Diamond, 100.4, none, none, , EFE, , SID2, none, , 103032,  

Dia HV = +/- 250V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal

Entry  Sun May 10 20:41:43 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Beam+Diamond 500V, 21, Diamond, 194.3, none, none, , EFE, , SID2, none, , 150960,  

Dia HV = +/- 250V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal

Entry  Sun May 10 22:04:51 2020, Christian Irmler, Beam+Diamond 500V, 22, Diamond, 252.7, none, none, , EFE, , SID2, none, , 221012,  

Dia HV = +/- 250V

run taken instead of 800MeV --> beam parameters for 800 were not prepared

Entry  Sun May 10 22:21:11 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration Tracker+Diamond 500V, 24, Diamond + DSSD tracker, 252.7, none, none, , , , , none, , ,  

Dia HV = +/- 250V


Entry  Fri Jun 12 23:10:40 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 200, 1, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

was stopped, cause timout setting was not adjusted to spill structure

Entry  Fri Jun 12 23:47:07 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 200, 2, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

slice R1 did not converge therofor 9 steps

Entry  Sat Jun 13 00:01:43 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 300, 3, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4


Entry  Sat Jun 13 00:14:44 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 400, 4, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

stopped because one slice could not be calibrated due to SW error

Entry  Sat Jun 13 00:29:22 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 400, 5, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

S9 did not converge run stopped


Entry  Sat Jun 13 00:34:32 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 400, 6, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4


Entry  Sat Jun 13 00:54:47 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 300, 7, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

repeated 300, because of SW error in previous run


Entry  Sat Jun 13 01:07:52 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 200, 8, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

repeated 200, because of SW error in previous run


Entry  Sat Jun 13 01:29:35 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 600, 9, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

few slices did not converge -> adapt range setting


Entry  Sat Jun 13 01:51:17 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA MPV 600, 10, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , ,  

Setting 4

few slices did not converge -> adapted range setting

q9 and p3 did not converge-->choose mean voltage of group


Entry  Sat Jun 13 02:16:06 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Calibration TERA Sr-90 Voltages, 11, TERA-Cal, 800, 10, 60, 20, 10, 6dB, , none, , 60000,  

1Setting 4

used same voltages as calibrated with Sr-90 (MPV 300)


Entry  Sat Jun 13 02:16:43 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Linearity measurement TERA 100.4 gain 200MPV, 12, TERA-Cal, 100.4, BETA, , , EFE, , SID2, none, , 200000,  

Linearity Messung Gain 200MPV

Entry  Sat Jun 13 02:37:10 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Linearity measurement TERA 100.4 gain 300MPV, 13, TERA-Cal, 100.4, BETA, , , EFE, , SID2, none, , 200000,  

Linearity Messung Gain 300MPV

Entry  Sat Jun 13 02:41:54 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Linearity measurement TERA 100.4 gain 400MPV, 14, TERA-Cal, 100.4, BETA, , , EFE, , SID2, none, , 200000,  

Linearity Messung Gain 400MPV

Entry  Sat Jun 13 03:06:25 2020, Felix Ulrich-Pur, Linearity measurement TERA 100.4 gain 600MPV, 15, TERA-Cal, 100.4, BETA, , , EFE, , SID2, none, , 200000,  

Linearity Messung Gain 600MPV error in config file aborted

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