Diamond Dia HV = +/- 250V
run taken instead of 800MeV --> beam parameters for 800 were not prepared
Diamond+Tracker Dia HV = +/- 250V
Setting 4
was stopped, cause timout setting was not adjusted to spill structure
slice R1 did not converge therofor 9 steps
stopped because one slice could not be calibrated due to SW error
S9 did not converge run stopped
repeated 300, because of SW error in previous run
repeated 200, because of SW error in previous run
few slices did not converge -> adapt range setting
few slices did not converge -> adapted range setting
q9 and p3 did not converge-->choose mean voltage of group
1Setting 4
used same voltages as calibrated with Sr-90 (MPV 300)
800 MeV global run (tracking effciency) setting4
telescope shifted 6mm to the left (in beam direction)
4 strips on n- side started to getted really noisy (408,409,483,484)
strips are not noisy