tested 60 and 30s exposure time of Lynx
Timing in Tracker seems to be off
Start 11:03
ADC delay, FIR, ped, noise,cal with DSSD tracker + diamond DSSD HV= +/- 50V Dia HV = +/- 250V
diamond not yet pumped
calibration files: pct_dia_01_silimond_tb_01-000001.xml
alignment run DSSD HV = +/- 50V Dia HV = +/- 250V xml = pct_dia_01_silimond_beam_01-000001.xml
start: 15:00 stop: 15:56
Setting 4
was stopped, cause timout setting was not adjusted to spill structure
3 spills per measurement point
800 MeV, "Setting 4"
Start 06:25; Pedestal run
First testbeam with MPW2, Setup as depicted in attachment 1,
Default beam setting EFE/SID0 252 MeV, released setting TRIMDAC config from Friday: trimconfig_W13_04_80V_06_12_13_00 - New trimdac run taken on Sunday!