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  MedAustron 2020, Page 15 of 15  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject Run Numberdown DUT Beam Energy Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degrader Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle Events Data
  120   Sat Jul 4 04:05:13 2020 Felix Ulrich-PurEFE SID0 spot-size measurement10Lynx+RaMon+Octavius145.4   yes SID0    

tested 60 and 30s exposure time of Lynx

  149   Sun Sep 20 09:14:06 2020 Alexander Burker 10           Crap

Timing in Tracker seems to be off


  164   Sat Oct 10 11:18:06 2020 Manuel Christanell2020-10-1010TERA+Tracker252.71  1      

Start 11:03

  2   Sun May 10 13:43:49 2020 Christian Irmlersetup1Diamond + DSSD tracker       none   
  3   Sun May 10 14:51:12 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Runs1Diamond + DSSD trackerNoise      none   

ADC delay, FIR, ped, noise,cal with DSSD tracker + diamond
DSSD HV= +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V

diamond not yet pumped

calibration files: pct_dia_01_silimond_tb_01-000001.xml

  4   Sun May 10 15:26:33 2020 Christian Irmleralignment1Diamond + DSSD tracker252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 75970 

alignment run
DSSD HV = +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V
xml = pct_dia_01_silimond_beam_01-000001.xml

start: 15:00
stop: 15:56

  26   Fri Jun 12 23:10:40 2020 Felix Ulrich-PurCalibration TERA MPV 2001TERA-Cal800106020106dB none   

Setting 4

was stopped, cause timout setting was not adjusted to spill structure

  111   Sat Jul 4 03:58:14 2020 Felix Ulrich-PurEFE SID0 Energy measurement1Peakfinder100.4   yes SID0    

3 spills per measurement point

  140   Sun Sep 20 06:09:28 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-201TERA-Cal800      none   

800 MeV, "Setting 4"


  157   Sat Oct 10 09:39:02 2020 Alexander Burker2020-10-101TERA-Cal           

Start 06:25; Pedestal run


  Draft   Fri May 8 15:17:39 2020 Felix Ulrich-Pur  DSSD-TrackerNoise          
  275   Sun Dec 6 12:52:17 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2 setup and configuration             

First testbeam with MPW2, Setup as depicted in attachment 1,

Default beam setting EFE/SID0 252 MeV, released setting 

TRIMDAC config from Friday: trimconfig_W13_04_80V_06_12_13_00 - New trimdac run taken on Sunday! 


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