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  MedAustron 2020, Page 11 of 15  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degrader Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle Events Data Text Attachments
  3   Sun May 10 14:51:12 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Runs1Diamond + DSSD trackerNoise      none   ADC delay, FIR, ped, noise,cal with DSSD
tracker + diamond
DSSD HV= +/- 50V
  4   Sun May 10 15:26:33 2020 Christian Irmleralignment1Diamond + DSSD tracker252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 75970 alignment run
DSSD HV = +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V
  5   Sun May 10 15:58:42 2020 Christian Irmleralignment2Diamond + DSSD tracker252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 42740 alignment run
DSSD HV = +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V
  6   Sun May 10 16:44:46 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 500V3Diamond252.7nonenone    none   diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 250V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  7   Sun May 10 16:47:10 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 600V4Diamond252.7nonenone    none   diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 300V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  8   Sun May 10 16:47:49 2020 Christian IrmlerBeam Diamond 600V5Diamond252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 103286 diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 300V

  9   Sun May 10 17:01:42 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond + pCT-6 600V6Diamond + DSSD-pCT6252.7nonenone    none   pCT-6 + diamond

DSSD HV = +/-50V
Dia HV = +/- 300V
  10   Sun May 10 17:14:00 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond + pCT-6 300V7Diamond + DSSD-pCT6252.7nonenone    none   pCT-6 + diamond

DSSD HV = +/-50V
Dia HV = +/- 150V
  11   Sun May 10 17:16:58 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 300V8Diamond252.7nonenone    none   Diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 150V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  24   Sun May 10 22:04:51 2020 Christian IrmlerBeam+Diamond 500V22Diamond252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 221012 Diamond
Dia HV = +/- 250V

run taken instead of 800MeV -->
  275   Sun Dec 6 12:52:17 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2 setup and configuration             First testbeam with MPW2, Setup as depicted
in attachment 1,

Default beam setting EFE/SID0 252
  276   Sun Dec 6 13:59:35 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2196W13_04252.7   1 SID0    Testrun to check number of hits per splill
--> ~5k hits per spill
  277   Sun Dec 6 15:37:05 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2197W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills HV = 80V

r0 c2
  278   Sun Dec 6 15:38:59 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2198W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 60V10 spills HV = 60V

r0 c2
  279   Sun Dec 6 15:41:31 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2199W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 40V10 spills HV = 40V

r0 c2
  281   Sun Dec 6 15:44:51 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2200W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = during ramping10 spillsCrapHV = 

r0 c2
  282   Sun Dec 6 15:45:45 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2201W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 100V10 spills r0 c2   
  283   Sun Dec 6 15:53:12 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2202W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV off10 spills r0 c2

HV set to 0V, but KeithRC SW turned
SMU output off 
  284   Sun Dec 6 15:55:13 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2203W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 1V10 spills r0 c2

lowest Voltage, which could be
set with SMU outputs on.
  285   Sun Dec 6 15:57:28 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2204W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 20V10 spills r0 c2   
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