800 MeV global run (tracking effciency) setting4
telescope shifted 6mm to the left (in beam direction)
252.7 MeV global run
62.4MeV global run
252.7 MeV 4MHz flux text no spill structure in current visible
252.7 MeV 400MHz flux test: spill structure in current visible
nominal flux degrader 10, random trigger
252.7 MeV lobal run
500 V run after high flux irradiation
3 spills per measurement point
2 spills per measurement point
1 spills per measurement point
6 spills per point -> no signal measurable (always 0)
11 min irradiation of film (spot visible)
tested 180,90 and 60s exposure time of Lynx (saturated at >=90)
tested 90,60 and 30s exposure time of Lynx
tested 60 and 30s exposure time of Lynx
tested 30 and 20s exposure time of Lynx