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  MedAustron 2020  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 97     Entry time: Sun Jun 21 08:15:13 2020
Author: Felix Ulrich-Pur 
Subject: Diamond only 800MeV 700V 
Run Number: 35 
DUT: Diamond 
Beam Energy: 800 
Beam Betatron: 10 
Beam Chopper: 60 
Beam Degrader: 20 
Beam EFE: 10 
Beam Orb: 6dB 
Beam QuadScan:  
Events: 101522 

800 MeV global run (tracking effciency)


telescope shifted 6mm to the left (in beam direction)


4 strips on n- side started to getted really noisy (408,409,483,484)

Attachment 1: pct_dia_01_diamond_700V_beam_LocalHardware_02-000035_hitmap_n.png  29 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 21 09:27:48 2020  | Show | Show all
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