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  MedAustron 2019, Page 7 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject DUT Beam Energy Beam Settingdown Run Number Events PhantomType PhantomAngle Text Attachments
  115   Tue Nov 26 13:34:50 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDSSD-Tracker252.7 34 none 2019-11-24 15:12

Standalone TLU

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk
  116   Tue Nov 26 13:35:11 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDSSD-Tracker252.7 35 none 2019-11-24 15:13

Standalone TLU

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk
  117   Tue Nov 26 13:35:33 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDSSD-Tracker252.7 37 none 2019-11-24 15:50

Standalone TLU + Tracker (Tera
did not record data)
  118   Tue Nov 26 13:36:33 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDSSD-Tracker100.4 4039546none 2019-11-24 16:42

"TLU not on network"
(Alex does not know what was not
  119   Tue Nov 26 13:39:13 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDSSD-Tracker252.7 41202410none 2019-11-24 16:48

"TLU not on network"

Data is good for Alignment
  120   Tue Nov 26 13:39:51 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 42 Alu02019-11-24 17:21

TERA DAQ failed
  121   Tue Nov 26 13:40:21 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 43313433Alu02019-11-24 17:21

Run was interrupted to re-load
config. A regular pattern in the hit maps
  122   Tue Nov 26 13:46:13 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 44687822Alu02019-11-24 17:54

I've forgotten to increment
run number before pressing start. Run 43
  123   Tue Nov 26 13:48:56 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 45 Alu902019-11-24 18:57

TERA DAQ failed
  124   Tue Nov 26 13:58:58 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 461001850Alu902019-11-24 18:59 - 20:27   
  125   Tue Nov 26 13:59:48 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 47 Alu452019-11-24 20:28

TERA DAQ failed
  126   Tue Nov 26 14:00:20 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 48101432Alu452019-11-24 20:28 - 22:00   
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