2019-11-24 15:12
Standalone TLU
TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
2019-11-24 15:13
2019-11-24 15:50
Standalone TLU + Tracker (Tera did not record data)
2019-11-24 16:42
"TLU not on network" (Alex does not know what was not on which network, maybe Felix' notes are more complete)
2019-11-24 16:48
"TLU not on network"
Data is good for Alignment
2019-11-24 17:21
TERA DAQ failed
Run was interrupted to re-load config. A regular pattern in the hit maps suggested a problem with FIR, however the data looks good and a projection could be reconstructed
2019-11-24 17:54
I've forgotten to increment run number before pressing start. Run 43 was likely renamed to oldName_2019-11-24….xml and .dat
To correctly filter the issues due to FIR, Hao suggested using a neighbor cut of 15 to 20.
2019-11-24 18:57
2019-11-24 18:59 - 20:27
2019-11-24 20:28
2019-11-24 20:28 - 22:00