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  MedAustron 2019, Page 6 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Fri Nov 22 10:52:45 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, Sketch, , pCT Setup, , , ,  Shift_2019-11-23f_1.png
Sketch of the setup for experiment 3, proton CT
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:09:18 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 13, , none,  
2019-11-23 21:30

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:13:43 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 14, , none,  
2019-11-23 21:31

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:14:03 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 15, , none,  
2019-11-23 21:32

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:14:18 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 16, , none,  
2019-11-23 21:33

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:14:40 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 17, , none,  
2019-11-23 21:46

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error" (even after a power cycle)
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:16:21 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, , Noise, , 24, , none,  
2019-11-24 13:43

no TLU error was observed
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:17:11 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 25, , none,  
2019-11-24 14:05

promptly aborted due to "missing reason" (maybe Felix has some notes)
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:18:35 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 26, 129767, none,  
2019-11-24 14:06 - 14:20

Latency = 45 (found too late)

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:19:21 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 28, , none,  
2019-11-24 14:24

Latency = 43 (found too late)

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:19:49 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 29, , none,  
2019-11-24 14:26

Latency = 41 (this setting was kept)

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:30:58 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 30, , none,  
2019-11-24 14:30

Random Triggers

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:31:57 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 32, , none,  
2019-11-24 14:40

Coincidences Trigger

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:33:50 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 33, , none,  
2019-11-24 15:08

Standalone TLU

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:34:50 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 34, , none,  
2019-11-24 15:12

Standalone TLU

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:35:11 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 35, , none,  
2019-11-24 15:13

Standalone TLU

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:35:33 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 37, , none,  
2019-11-24 15:50

Standalone TLU + Tracker (Tera did not record data)

TLU (Rack-mounted) failed: "netzwerk error"
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:36:33 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 100.4, , 40, 39546, none,  
2019-11-24 16:42

"TLU not on network" (Alex does not know what was not on which network, maybe Felix' notes are more complete)
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:39:13 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, DSSD-Tracker, 252.7, , 41, 202410, none,  
2019-11-24 16:48

"TLU not on network"

Data is good for Alignment
Entry  Tue Nov 26 13:39:51 2019, Alexander Burker, 2019-11-23f proton CT, Drehtisch, 100.4, , 42, , Alu, 0 
2019-11-24 17:21

TERA DAQ failed
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