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  MedAustron 2019, Page 4 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Subject DUT Beam Energy Beam Setting Run Number Events PhantomType PhantomAngle Text Attachments
  60   Fri Oct 25 18:34:26 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4EFE, QuadScan SID214 none 10:00
scinti0 threshold 25 instead of 20,
noise better
  61   Fri Oct 25 18:34:34 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4EFE, QuadScan SID215 none 10:03
scinti0 threshold 30 instead of 20,
signal same for both scintis, noise didnt
  62   Fri Oct 25 18:34:51 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 1016567296none 10:25
change position of lgad form +125
step to 0(isocentre) in 25stepsized steps
  63   Fri Oct 25 18:35:17 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 1017474112none 10:45 Room request changed osci from remote
to hd camera

11:00 same setting as with run
  64   Fri Oct 25 18:35:47 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 1018507392none 11:22  same as 17

  65   Fri Oct 25 18:36:01 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 1019363008none 11:40 same as 17, flo changed bias in lgads

  66   Fri Oct 25 18:36:21 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4Degrader 1020304640none 12:06 medical

  67   Fri Oct 25 18:36:52 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4Degrader 2021162816none 12:20 medical

  68   Fri Oct 25 18:40:03 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4Degrader 5022235520none 12:30 medical

  69   Fri Oct 25 18:40:33 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 100.4Degrader 1023343040none 12:43 

  70   Fri Oct 25 18:41:09 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 100.4Degrader 2024185344none 13:00

  71   Fri Oct 25 18:41:36 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 2025271872none 13:10

  72   Fri Oct 25 18:42:39 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Degrader 5026163328none 13:24

  73   Fri Oct 25 18:43:09 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800Setting Nr 12731771none 13:40 lots of empty spills

  74   Fri Oct 25 18:44:07 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800Setting Nr 42811442none 13:52

  75   Fri Oct 25 18:45:20 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux   2922002none    00-000029-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.0-Empirics.png00-000029-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.1-Empirics.png 
  76   Fri Oct 25 18:50:08 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low FluxSketch      Spot Sizes Table: SpotsForBeamSettings.csv

Empirics, such as P2, P25, Median,
P75 and P98 were obtained directly from the
  77   Fri Oct 25 18:56:11 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTSketch    none Spot sizes table: SpotsForBeamSettings.csv

Empirics, such as P2, P25, Median,
P75 and P98 were obtained directly from the
  78   Fri Oct 25 23:04:42 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 800EFE 10, Betatron 10 %, Chopper 60 %, Degrader 20, Orb Gain 6 dB133784none    00-000001-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.0-Empirics.png00-000001-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.1-Empirics.png 
  79   Sat Oct 26 00:36:35 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux   21132none    00-000002-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.0-Empirics.png00-000002-debug.root-hitLocations_4.1.1.1-Empirics.png 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b