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  MedAustron 2019, Page 3 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subjectdown DUT Beam Energy Beam Setting Run Number Events PhantomType PhantomAngle
  91   Sat Oct 26 03:29:42 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 194.3EFE 1, QuadScan SID 0, Degrader 10, Betatron 101650401none 


  92   Sat Oct 26 03:37:48 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 252.7EFE 1, QuadScan SID 0, Degrader 10, Betatron 101760962none 

  93   Sat Oct 26 03:47:17 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 62.4EFE 1, QuadScan SID 0, Degrader 10, Betatron 101825743none 


  94   Sat Oct 26 03:51:55 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 252.7EFE, QuadScan SID2, Degrader 101929735none 

  95   Sat Oct 26 05:11:37 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 145.4EFE, QuadScan SID2, Degrader 102025945none 

  96   Sat Oct 26 05:16:06 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 252.7EFE, QuadScan SID0, Degrader 102113939none 


  97   Sat Oct 26 05:35:09 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 100.4EFE, QuadScan SID0, Degrader 10227889none 


  98   Sat Oct 26 05:37:54 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-25 Low Flux 145.4EFE, QuadScan SID0, Degrader 102311660none 


  47   Fri Oct 25 18:09:21 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader10, changed gain orb, gain 6, betatron10, no chopper122743none 



tracker was not properly configured at the beginning, but now is working
many empty spills

  48   Fri Oct 25 18:21:58 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader20, changed gain orb, gain 6, no betatron, chopper 60222841none 



lots of empty spills

  49   Fri Oct 25 18:23:05 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader20, Betatron50, No Chopper3 none 

06:50 - no beam

06:55 - accelerator fail, still no beam

07:07 - no beam with gain 6


  50   Fri Oct 25 18:24:42 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader20, Betatron50, No Chopper, Gain 26435365none 

07:09 - chainged to 26 and saw beam

lots of empty spulls


  51   Fri Oct 25 18:25:34 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader20, changed gain orb, gain 26, Betatron 100, Chopper 60539836none 

lots of empty spills, looks like kHz-ish

  52   Fri Oct 25 18:26:09 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader10, changed gain orb, gain 26, betatron10, Chopper 100654546none 


few empty spills

  53   Fri Oct 25 18:27:38 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800Setting 4 with 6db gain on the orb747862none 

again 5s pause between spills, looks stable

  54   Fri Oct 25 18:28:15 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7Betatron + EFE819365none 

08:45  looks fine

  55   Fri Oct 25 18:29:04 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4Betatron + EFE927472none 

looks fine

  56   Fri Oct 25 18:31:58 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7EFE, QuadScan SID01024368none 

looks fine

  57   Fri Oct 25 18:32:32 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 145.4EFE, QuadScan SID01120626none 

looks fine, one scinti0 looks noisy

  58   Fri Oct 25 18:32:55 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 252.7EFE, QuadScan SID21275742none 

fine, one scinti0 looks noisy

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