Folder "L6_RLC_Test"
Configuration file: /mnt/data/ITA_NOISE_TESTS/L6_RLC_Test/SinglePeak_3Fadc.cfg
3 Tests: Injkection to 2.5V 1.25V. ground and their combination
Frequency scan with const ampl.:
points (index (run number) corresponds to frequency):
index - frequency[MHz]
1 - 0,5
2 - 0,7
3 - 0,8
4 - 1
5 - 2
6 - 3
7 - 5
8 - 7
9 - 8
10 - 10
11 - 15
12 - 20
13 - 30
14 - 40
15 - 50
16 - 80
0 - base line for comparison
Base line run with out injection.
Injection Test L6:
2.5V, 1.25V, ground (data prefix all_) |