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Message ID: 31     Entry time: Fri May 16 11:38:44 2014
Type: Measurement 
Author: Benedikt Würkner 
Project: Belle II 
Subject: No 5 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) 
Object ID: L3 module 
Measurement Type: source 
Run Number: run11 

Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -27:-10(bottom center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.05 and -1.1 µA

N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.55A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.67A

Events: 200000

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