# example config file: Ex0.conf [RunControl] #pCT_STOP_RUN_AFTER_N_SECONDS = 3000000 # from the base RunControl.cc #EUDAQ_CTRL_PRODUCER_LAST_START = my_pd0 #EUDAQ_CTRL_PRODUCER_FIRST_STOP = my_pd0 # Steer which values to display in the GUI: producerName and displayed value are seperated by a ",". ADDITIONAL_DISPLAY_NUMBERS = "log,_SERVER" [Producer.aida_tlu] ## GENERAL PARAMETERS verbose= 1 skipconf= 0 confid= 20201311 delayStart= 200 ## HDMI CONFIGURATION # 4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7) HDMI2_set= 0x7 HDMI3_set= 0x7 HDMI4_set= 0x7 # Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA) HDMI1_clk = 1 HDMI2_clk = 1 HDMI3_clk = 1 HDMI4_clk = 1 # Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO LEMOclk = 0 ## PMT POWER CONFIGURATION #PMT1_V= 0.8 #0.6363 #Szinti 4x4cm #PMT2_V= 0.8 #0.6363 #Szinti 4x4cm PMT3_V= 0.0 PMT4_V= 0.0 ## TRIGGER CONFIGURATION trigMaskHi = 0x00000000 trigMaskLo = 0x00000010 #0x00010002 #0x00000001 #8 coinc1+2 in0_STR = 0 # 0 in0_DEL = 0 # 18 in1_STR = 0 # 0 in1_DEL = 0 # 18 in2_STR = 0 # 0 in2_DEL = 0 # 0 in3_STR = 0 in3_DEL = 0 in4_STR = 0 in4_DEL = 0 in5_STR = 0 #streches pulse from 6.25ns (at 0) to 12.5ns in5_DEL = 0 # Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers) InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00 ## DISCRIMINATOR THRESHOLDS DACThreshold0 = -0.1 #-0.012 DACThreshold1 = -0.1 #-0.012 DACThreshold2 = +0.5 DACThreshold3 = -0.12 DACThreshold4 = -0.12 #-0.0066 DACThreshold5 = -0.12 ## DUT CONFIGURATION # DUTMask Which DUTs are on #DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4 DUTMask= 0xF # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT) DUTMaskMode= 0xFF #0x00 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!) DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF) DUTIgnoreBusy= 0xF #ignores triggers DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0 EnableRecordData= 1 # EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled. EnableShutterMode= 0x0 # Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5] ShutterSource = 5 # 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator. InternalShutterInterval = 0 # 32-bit counter of clocks ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger # 32-bit counter of clocks ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output # 32-bit counter of clocks ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns) ## DATA COLLECTOR EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc ## TLU MONITOR PARAMETER FileComment="mpw3" PlotWindowSizeinns=40e9 MinSpillTimeOnins=4.5 MinSpilldownTimeins=0.5 ThreshEvBegin=1 ThreshEvEnd=1 ThreshPartBegin=1 ThreshPartEnd=1 [LogCollector.log] # Currently, all LogCollectors have a hardcoded runtime name: log # nothing [DataCollector.tlu_dc] EUDAQ_FW=native # the format of data file EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN= /home/silicon/mpw3/data/lab_test/tlu_run$6R$X # the name pattern of data file # the $12D will be converted a data/time string with 12 digits. # the $6R will be converted a run number string with 6 digits. # the $X will be converted the suffix name of data file. DISABLE_PRINT = 1 [Producer.RD50_MPW4_0] voltage_key = "th" voltage_value = 0.95 register_key = "vnfb" register_value = 0x12 [Producer.keithleyPS] voltage = 400 max_current = 15e-3 ramp_step = 10 ramp_speed = 50 [DataCollector.mpw4_dc] # connection to the monitor EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon EUDAQ_FW = native EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/bernhard/tmp/mpw4_run$6R$X EUDAQ_DATACOL_SEND_MONITOR_FRACTION = 100 # config-parameters DISABLE_PRINT = 1 XILINX_IP = localhost [Monitor.mpw4_mon] buffer_size = 50000 update_thr = 500 [Producer.elog1] start_cmd = "./copy_stuff.sh" # command (shell script) to execute before starting a run files2log = "" #files to attach to the auto Elog entries, EUDAQ config will be logged by default