# example init file: Ex0.ini [LogCollector.log] EULOG_GUI_LOG_FILE_PATTERN = $12D.log [Producer.tracker_irgendwas] [Producer.aida_tlu] initid= 20210115 verbose = 1 ConnectionFile= "file:///home/pct/frameworks/trackereudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_connection.xml" #ConnectionFile= "file:///home/tlu-ma/latesteudaq/eudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_connection.xml" #for TLU MAUS DeviceName = "aida_tlu.controlhub" #DeviceName = "aida_tlu.udp" TLUmod = "1e" # number of HDMI inputs, leave 4 even if you only use fewer inputs nDUTs = 4 nTrgIn = 6 # 0= False (Internal Reference OFF), 1= True intRefOn = 0 VRefInt = 2.5 VRefExt = 1.3 # I2C address of the bus expander on Enclustra FPGA I2C_COREEXP_Addr = 0x21 # I2C address of the Si5345 I2C_CLK_Addr = 0x68 # I2C address of 1st AD5665R I2C_DAC1_Addr = 0x13 # I2C address of 2nd AD5665R I2C_DAC2_Addr = 0x1F # address of unique Id number EEPROM I2C_ID_Addr = 0x50 #I2C address of 1st expander PCA9539PW~/ I2C_EXP1_Addr = 0x74 #I2C address of 2st expander PCA9539PW I2C_EXP2_Addr = 0x75 #I2C address of AD5665R on powermodule I2C_DACModule_Addr = 0x1CnoiseTrim # Max value for control voltage on PMTs (usually 1 V) PMT_vCtrlMax= 1.0 #I2C address of 1st expander PCA9539PW on powermodule I2C_EXP1Module_Addr = 0x76 #I2C address of 2nd expander PCA9539PW on powermodule I2C_EXP2Module_Addr = 0x77 ##CONFCLOCK 0= skip clock configuration, 1= configure si5345 CONFCLOCK= 1 #CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/pct-eudaq/latesteudaq/trackereudaq/user/caribou/MPW3/csv/20mhz_out2.txt" #CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/tlu-ma/mpw3/configs/20mhz_out2.txt" CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "/home/pct/frameworks/trackereudaq/user/tlu/misc/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_clk_config.txt" #CLOCK_CFG_FILE = "~/latesteudaq/trackereudaq/user/eudet/misc/hw_conf/aida_tlu/aida_tlu_clk_config.txt" # for TLU MAUS [LogCollector.log] # Currently, all LogCollectors have a hardcoded runtime name: log EULOG_GUI_LOG_FILE_PATTERN = maus_$12D.log # the $12D will be converted a data/time string with 12 digits. [Producer.elog1] elog_installation = "/home/pct/frameworks/elog/elog" elog_host = "elog.hephy.at" elog_port = 443 elog_logbook = "testbeam-MA2025" att_stop_time = "t-Stop" att_start_time = "t-Start" att_run_number = "Run Number" att_run_duration = "Duration_min" color = "" #simply paste configuration of yourComment = Testbeams at MedAustron in 2025 Admin user = bergi, maks, bpilsl, FUL Self register = 3 Attributes = Author, Subject, Run Number, DUT, Beam Energy, Rate Setting, Particle Type, Data, t-Start, t-Stop, Duration_min, Frontend, Phantom, Phantom thickness, Options DUT = common, DSSD-Tracker, RD50-MPW4, TJ-Monopix2, TOF-Cal GSI, RaMon, TOF-Cal GSI (TRB)+DOGMA setup(diamond+LGAD)+RaMon Extendable options = DUT, Beam Energy, Rate Setting, Phantom, Phantom Thickness Options Data = Unknown, Good, Crap Options Beam Energy = 800 MeV, 252.7 MeV, 194.3 MeV, 175.3 MeV, 145.4 MeV, 100.4 MeV, 83 MeV, 62.4 MeV, 115.7MeV, 205.2 MeV/u, 177.8 MeV/u, 147.2 MeV/u, 124.4 MeV/u, 97.2MeV/u, 73.2 MeV/u, 63.3 MeV/u, 402MeV/u Options Particle Type = Proton, Carbon, Helium Options Rate Setting = Low Flux Very Low, Low Flux Low, Low Flux Medium, Low Flux High Options Frontend = Normal, Normal Casc, HV, HV Casc Quick filter = Date, Subject, Run Number, DUT, Beam Energy Options Phantom = Plastic Water Slabs, Dense Bone Slabs, None, plastic mouse Options Phantom Thickness = 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Duplicate, Move to, Find, Help List Menu commands = New, Find, Select, Logout, Config, Help Guest List Menu commands = Find, Login, Help Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help ################################################################## Elog logbook [Producer.HamegProducer] serial_port="/dev/ttyUSB0" ##################################################################